Other Hotels (Moderate-rate Hotels)

For inquiries and information about the below hotels, please contact the hotels directly.

-Union Hotel, Kobe http://www.unionhotel.jp (Reservation page in English)
Phone: +81-78-242-3000 Fax: +81-242-0220
-Hotel 1-2-3, Kobe http://www.hotel123.co.jp/ (Japanese site)
Phone: +81-78-272-5000 Fax: +81-78-272-5050
-Quality Hotel Kobe http://www.choicehotels.com/ires/en-JP/html/HomePage (Japanese site)
Phone: +81-78-303-5555 Fax: +81-78-303-5560
-Kobe Luminous Hotel http://www.luminous-hotel.co.jp/kobe/ (Japanese site)
Phone: +81-78-511-7700 Fax: +81-78-511-7705
E-mail: kfront@luminous-hotel.co.jp
-Chisun Hotel Kobe http://www.solarehotels.com/english/ (English site)
Phone: +81-78-341-8111 Fax: +81-78-371-5577